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Announcing #YESMombasa2019 Panelist

We are pleased to announce our confirmed panelists for the 2019 YEPI Entrepreneurship Summit as follows;


Co-Founder, Mashinani Hub, DRC

Kakel holds a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, is an Agripreneur by profession, co-founder and Vice coordinator in charge of Project of the Agriprocessing and Pastoral Cooperative of Young Congolese (CAAPJECO) that exists since 2014 and empowers 32 farmers, rural and urban youth and women. Kakel is the National Vice president in Charge of Administration and Interface with the provincial committee councils of the Solidarity Network for Young Congolese Entrepreneurs (RESOJEC), a chamber of Commerce aimed at providing Congolese youth with Entrepreneurship skills, follow up processes on the integration of the formal economic sector and linking opportunities to funds. Resojec approximately has 235 members of 3 different categories (formal, informal and budding). He is a Yali RLC EA Cohort 6 Fellow and a YALI USADF 2016 Awardee. He is also the Co-Founder of Mashinani Hub.


Co-Founder, You4She, Kenya

Elizabeth Mang'eni is a passionate advocate for person with disabilities especially girls and women who face double discrimination that’s based on their gender and disability status,a Trade Development Officer with the Ministry of Industry,Trade and Cooperatives and the Co-founder at You4She Initiative, advocating for the rights of persons with disabilities. Elizabeth has been fortunate to be exposed to opportunities that have modeled her growth for instance the Young Africa Leadership Initiative Programs (Mandela Washington Fellowship 2017 and Regional Leadership Centre), Australian African Fellowship Award, Masters Degree scholarship by the African Union among others. She uses the knowledge gained to empower the society especially persons with disabilities to realize their full potential and live their dreams. Elizabeth envisions a future where everyone is given an opportunity to lead their dreams due to their abilities and not their status.


Founder / CEO Passion for the Needy, Tanzania

Ernest has over four years of experience in advocating for women and girls' empowerment in Tanzania. He is the founder and Executive Director of the Passion for the Needy Community Organization, an NGO which focuses on empowering girls in rural areas through supporting and advocating for girls' education and improving the quality of life for women in the rural areas of Tanzania by the provision of entrepreneurship skills and seed capital in support of their micro and small enterprises. He is also in charge of promoting, and mentoring girls' and educating the rural communities on girls' rights. He holds a master's degree in Law.


Branch Manager, EPTF Mombasa

Stephanie is passionate about transforming communities and has 8 years’ experience in Program Management, Community development, Monitoring and Evaluation and Leadership Development. She is currently working with Economic Projects Transformation Facility (EPTF) as a program coordinator in Mombasa and Kwale counties assisting communities on economic empowerment projects. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Travel and Tour Operations Management from Moi University and is currently pursuring Masters of Arts in Development Studies at Catholic University of Eastern Africa- Gaba Campus.


Strategic Communication Adviser, Uganda

Mark is a Strategic Communication Advisor, A peer educator, human rights activists, A farmer and the Chief of Protocol at Touchvert Uganda. Currently, working at The Uganda Youth Alliance For Family Planning A Health (UYAFHAP) as the head Communications and Advocacy Manager, he also works with White Ribbon Alliance-Uganda (WRA) and Green Efforts Foundation (Uganda Vice Presidency’s Office) under communication department. Mark was awarded as the best Health and Human Rights Online Advocate in Uganda 2015 also as best citizens’ blogger by White Ribbon Alliance Global and UN-Women. He holds a Bachelor’s degree of Arts in Developmental Studies of Kyambogo University.

This year’s summit will feature an equal focus on entrepreneurship and innovation, leadership and even provide opportunities to network with your peers and emerging entrepreneurs! Take it from us: #YESMombasa2019 in February is the place to be for inspiration, education, and motivation to take your business to the next level.

Stay tuned for regular speaker’s announcements, and check our website regularly for new additions.

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